New This Week


Earlier this month, I was the lead presenter at the 2021 Texas Association for Higher Education Assessment Conference for "Amplifying Student Voices During the COVID-19 Pandemic." I discussed using qualitative data to better inform stakeholders applying findings to develop an action plan or intervention for their respective universities. This was my first in-person conference as a doctoral student and I gained valuable insight and knowledge about the world of assessment!

HDCLS Colloquium Presentation

Last week, I presented my research "Persevering During the Pandemic: Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 on First-Generation College Students" at the HDCLS area meeting. My presentation focused on the hardships first-gen students faced during the pandemic and how COVID-19 shaped their personal and professional experiences. It was a fantastic opportunity to get feedback from my peers and further develop my public speaking skills!

Invited Guest Speaker

This week, Dr. Amy Nathan Wright invited me to present my findings as a guest speaker for her undergraduate course: Multidisciplinary Methods for Exploring Organizations, at the University of Texas at Austin. I connected with students interested in the first-generation college student experience and provided them with on-campus resources to learn more!


What COVID Taught Me About My Research (and Myself)


The Struggles (and Strengths) of First-Generation College Students During the Pandemic