AERA 2023
This Texas girl is headed back to the Windy City!
2023 Graduate TACHE Fellow
Remembering Lucie Perez
3 Minute Thesis Finalist
Tips for TLC from a Pandemic PhD
What COVID Taught Me About My Research (and Myself)
New This Week
The Struggles (and Strengths) of First-Generation College Students During the Pandemic
A guest blog post on Dr. Stephanie Cawthon’s website.
3 Main Takeaways From 2021 AERA (From a First-Time Attendee)
A guest blog post featured on Dr. Stephanie Cawthon’s website.
First-Generation College Students and COVID-19: How Higher Education Can Improve Its Support (and Better Understand Us)
A guest blog post featured on Dr. Stephanie Cawthon’s website.